URI http://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/concept/thot-619

Preferred Terms (skos:prefLabel)

  • Späte römische Kaiserzeit und oströmisches/frühbyzantinisches Reich (de)
  • Late Roman Empire and Eastern Roman/Early Byzantine Empire (en)
  • Bas-Empire romain et Empire romain d’Orient/Paléo-Byzantine (fr)
  • Late keizertijd (nl)
  • Late-Roman-Empire (xml)

Broader Terms (skos:broader)

Temporal Extent (time:TemporalEntity)

284 - 565 AD

Scheme note (skos:ConceptScheme)

Publisher: Thot Project
Editor & contributors:
  • Daniel Werning (editor)
  • Lutz Popko (editor)
  • Vincent Razanajao (contributor)
Changes history
Type of event User When Comments
data-import-csv vincent 2018-05-31 11:35
concept-update lpopko 2020-04-24 16:27
nt-deletion lpopko 2020-05-18 14:30
concept-update lpopko 2020-05-18 14:30
concept-update lpopko 2020-05-18 15:14