TEI Interchange Format
Facilitating data sharing of ancient Egyptian Resources
Sharing digital textual resources is an actual challenge for scholars working on Ancient Egyptian-Coptic (3000 BC-1350 AD), mainly because of the different writing systems that have been used throughout the history of this language, and because of the diverging aims and scopes of the projects involved in creating annotated corpora of Ancient Egyptian-Coptic. In collaboration with several leading projects in this field, Thot is coordinating the definition of a TEI compliant interchange data model that will make easier data sharing and interoperability between text-based research projects.
First results of this work were presented at the TEI Conference 2015 in Lyons (Powerpoint presentation (presentation).
Project partners
- Laurent Coulon - École Pratique des Hautes-Études, Paris
- Frederik Elwert - CERES, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Emmanuelle Morlock - HiSoMA - CNRS, University of Lyon
- Stéphane Polis - F.R.S.-FNRS – University of Liège
- Vincent Razanajao - University of Liège
- Serge Rosmorduc - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris
- Simon Schweitzer - Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin
- Daniel A. Werning - Topoi EXC Topoi, Berlin
You can download or link to the following schemas:
- Relax NG schema (compact syntax): http://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/tei/thot-tei.rnc
- Relax NG schema (XML syntax): http://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/tei/thot-tei.rng
- DTD: http://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/tei/thot-tei.dtd
Maximal template
Below is a draft of the maximal template compiled for testing the XML/TEI interchange format. Version as of February 2017