Thanks to the Anneliese Maier Research Award granted to Prof. Jean Winand by the Humboldt Fundation, the Department of Egyptology of the University of Liege, in collaboration with the Berlin-Branderburg Academie of Sciences and Humanities, and the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig (Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae), is now developing Thot, a set of resources for documenting and encoding ancient Egyptian resources in a shared, interoperable approach. This effort has sprang from the wish of several projects dealing with ancient Egyptian textual corpora to become more interoperable and follows the path of previous attempts, such as the Multilingual Egytpological Thesaurus (MET). Moving towards Web Semantic and Linked Open Data, the resources that will be pushed online progressively will consist in a set of thesauri covering most of the metadata relating to ancient Egyptian texts and monuments, as well as a proposal for a TEI interchange format that enables exchange and sharing of textual data.